Why It's Essential to File Your Motor Accident Claim as Soon as Possible

Law Blog

Some people wait a while before filing motor accident claims after being involved in a car accident. It is understandable why people sometimes do this, of course. For example, someone who has been involved in a serious accident might have serious injuries and might not be able to think about filing a claim and working with a lawyer in regards to their legal situation. However, it does matter when you file your claim.

20 August 2021

6 Things You Should Do to Ensure a Successful Conveyancing Process

Law Blog

Conveyancing is the legal process where a seller transfers property to a buyer. It involves complex legal procedures that you might not understand, especially if you're handling this kind of transaction for the first time. Luckily, a conveyancer can tackle the tasks for you regardless of whether you're selling or buying. Generally, conveyancing processes are different depending on the property and the sale terms. However, most of them follow some basic stages, as discussed below.

2 June 2021

How to Handle Workers' Compensation after Suffering an On the Job Car Accident

Law Blog

Working outside the home always involves travelling in a car. However, if part of your job description involves driving from one place to the other, you have to think about the possible risks involved. In case an accident happened when you were driving on work missions, you need to find out if possible accidents are covered by worker's compensation. Here, are the steps to follow when dealing with workers compensation after a car accident on the job.

30 March 2021

A Guide On No Win No Fee Injury Lawyers

Law Blog

No win no fee injury lawyers are your best bet when you need compensation for workplace or personal injuries. Read this guide for some tips on how to choose a no win no fee injury lawyer. Check The Lawyer's Pricing And Terms A no win no fee policy means that the lawyer will not charge if you lose the case. It is a guarantee that the lawyer will do all that they can to win your case.

27 November 2020

How To Avoid And Resolve Commercial Disputes

Law Blog

There are several reasons why you could be involved in a commercial dispute. Maybe you were engaged in a breach of contract or fiduciary responsibility or a dispute over intellectual property. Read the article below to know how you can avoid and resolve commercial disputes. Making Watertight Contracts Ask an experienced commercial lawyer to draft the contract or help you review contracts presented by other business. Typically, your lawyer works in your best interests.

24 June 2020

Estate Taxes and Some of the Legal Concepts Underlying Them

Law Blog

There is no better gift than leaving things laid out correctly for your friends and family when you die. It saves them from the burden of grieving while trying to figure out ways of managing the stuff that you leave behind. Additionally, planning your estate also mitigates the possibility of conflict when the people you leave behind cannot agree on what to do with the things you leave to them. When you plan your estate, you have a chance of examining specific legal implications that come with the management of your property upon demise.

10 October 2019

Why the Appointment of a Solicitor Does Not Necessarily Result in a Court Case

Law Blog

In popular culture, there is a general perception that if you need to defend yourself in a difficult legal position and have to consult a solicitor, it's almost inevitable that this matter will end up in court. It's as if one action will automatically lead to another, and as a consequence, some people choose not to engage a solicitor at any stage. They will want to avoid any interaction with the court system, according to this logic.

31 December 2018